Employees book using an easy-to-use app
Gives teams the flexibility to decide where to work by the hour, day or week. No hassle with expenses and ability to coordinate among coworkers.
Day pass, meeting rooms, conference- and event spaces
Membership and private office
Community - work where others are
Teams can easily coordinate coworking visits with their team members. Given their network of colleagues, users can see which days the people they follow are going, where they will be, and join them with a single click.
Follow colleagues and build your network
See where others are going
One-click to join
Access to a global on-demand marketplace
We partner with coworking spaces wherever you have team members, making desks, meeting rooms, event spaces, and private offices bookable on demand.
A curated quality coworking network
Consolidated billing
Pay only for what your team uses
Manage your custom network of workspaces and usage
You get consolidated billing through the platform. Manage access policies to control where employees can go. Get analytics on usage and spending.
Access policies
Consolidated billing